Anyways, here are some shots that I took during the concert, I'm quite pleased of the shots I took. Haih, what do you expect it's just a 8 Mega Pixel Canon Ixus 860IS, not some fancy EOS 50D or something xD Woohoo :D Heh.
if you're about to use my pictures, please credit them yeah :D

T-shirts were selling at the price of RM80 EACH, and they were ALL SOLD OUT wtf?
Ahhh, I wanted one so badly :\ I didn't even get a poster damnit :|
Hopefully, Annebelle gets the autograph+poster of JM that I wanted.
I had loads of fun and I'm exhausted now, really really really exhausted.
And I even have school tomorrow O: BYE :D
p/s: Now I can finally slash a wish on my wishlist, yipee :D!
Ahhh, I wanted one so badly :\ I didn't even get a poster damnit :|
Hopefully, Annebelle gets the autograph+poster of JM that I wanted.
I had loads of fun and I'm exhausted now, really really really exhausted.
And I even have school tomorrow O: BYE :D
p/s: Now I can finally slash a wish on my wishlist, yipee :D!
Tim: you so totally OWE ME!!! (2 Mar 09, 20:43)
Yes I so do owe you x)
waimun: AHHH. JASON MRAZ. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. (3 Mar 09, 17:18)
YAA I know! Aaahhh ! XD
angelinee.: lol. 4As crazy? xD must get 5As! lol. yay im going Teratai!righttt. XP (3 Mar 09,18:15)
Hahaha yesss, show your papa, then 5800 is yours. Hahaha.
Jo: AHHHHHHHHH. YOU'RE GOING FOR THE CONCERT?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i dislike you,woman D; (3 Mar 09, 19:50)
Hahaha, oh dislike me woman XD!
danielle: andddd. you din link me at the bottom. hrmph! >) (4 Mar 09, 15:20)
Hahah, woops, will link ya no worries.
angelinee.: skinning for sounds.... weird. HAHAH (4 Mar 09, 20:12)
HAHA, yeah but that's what they call it x)
angelinee.: oh and isnt it Live High? O_o?come onlineeeeeeeeee. me boredddd online shopping for tutu's alone.
(5 Mar 09, 17:36)
Woops, typo. I'm onlineeeee x)
Rachel Tai: Lucky youu~~~get to go to Jason Mraz concert ! (5 Mar 09, 18:00)
Hahaha, yeah I too think I'm pretty lucky .___. didn't know how it happened x_x