Hello readers! Wow, we're already in the forth week of the new year and this would only be my first post of the new year. Well, I apologize for my sudden MIA. Days have been really packed so far, with form4, tuition classes and cheer. Thus, there'll be a slight decrease in the amount of posts this year. But I'll try my best to keep you readers entertained.
Wokay, Imma talk about school now. Besides the fact of being all alone & some teachers left hatin' us & underestimating us. 4 Anggerik is a good start. I'm really satisfied of the amount of good teachers my class manage to get this year, knowing that we're "The Last Science Stream Class" -.-, but who am I to say I'm not.
School was doing fine for the couple of weeks, but my health says otherwise. Meal skipping NO GOOD. I didn't skip my meals intentionally please, it's caused by insufficient time. Outcome could've been avoided if we HAD time to eat. _|_ It has only been like the third week of school and I'm found absent once already. And no, it's not cause I prefer studying at home, (not so soon :P) but because I was ill, with I have absolutely no idea what. Parents somehow think it wasn't serious enough to bring me to the doctors, wokay! I was fine during the day I was absent, but the day before that I was seriously puking my guts out right after I got home from school. I personally think it's caused by being over-hungry, but that doesn't explain the excessive vomiting. Or it could be the bowl of noodles I had during recess, but the peeps were having the same noodles as me. Man, I must be the unluckiest person in the world to get the only bad bowl then. Anyho, long gone.
Angie gave me this Hello Kitty lollipop before I fell sick. She must have knew I would. :P
Synchro 'AWWW' from Andrea & I when I asked if she specifically bought it for me.
So sweet! I was talking about the candy. Joking, Angie la :P |
Some pictures from Mom's birthday dinner just now.
D' Kor Kor. |
Family without Cherms. He has to work, even on Saturdays!
Go find him lah, Hilton KL ;) |
Happy Birthday Mummy! S2
Why, chinese?
"Why not." ala Mr. Ben |
Loads of birthdays happen to fall on this special day.
Those awesome people are, Zong Jing, Vanessa, Louise ... Happy Birthday! :)
Tuned into: All About Him by Auburn